Friday, January 15, 2010

A little R&R

What a perfect day! Massage plus lunch plus spending time with the most amazing mom/best friend plus dinner and a movie with my hubby= the best birthday ever! I really can't imagine a better day! Thank you all for the birthday wishes too :)

Today was full of all of my favorite things-
1. Massage (thanks mom!)-Keith at Bijin day spa, I HIGHLY recommend him!
2. Lunch with Mom- McCormick and Schmick- Yum ;) but, the best part, dessert!! The famous and delicious chocolate bag! If you haven't had one, you are really missing out!
3. Spending quality time with and being spoiled by my honey! This, I also highly recommend!

This rest and relaxation felt amazing!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Ok- get ready for way less exciting stories from here on out! I got all of the big news out of the way and yes, a lot has changed, but our daily life is a heck of a lot more boring! Just the way we like it!

So, how can I NOT mention the Bachelor! This is where I get my excitement in my life I suppose... I reluctantly and with embarrassment admit that I LOVE REALITY TV! And yes, I realize that it is mostly scripted and 100% rediculous!

So...for those fellow Bach far, I like Ali best! She may be the only one on there without surgical enhancement. I can't say much more because I am one of those people that likes to know the ending of the book. Yes, I searched (not too hard by the way) and found out who supposedly wins the season. But, I would love to hear all of your thoughts! Anyone???

Sunday, January 10, 2010

As I sit here avoiding anything that involves leaving the house and being out in the cold or any sort of cleaning, I thought I would make some use of myself. Here are a few pictures of the house. We have a lot to do still but we love our home and are having a lot of fun putting our touches on it.

My decorating skills are still lacking. For some reason, it is very intimidating to me! If you have any tips on overcoming my decorating phobia- I am open!

Brian, however, has no problem what-so-ever with taking the plunge. Go big or go home right? Here is his pride and joy- not quite complete. That's right, there is more! It is beginning to look like a sport's store!

You will notice, in many of the pictures that I post, a bit of a common theme or even a game. It is something that Brian and I like to call "Where's Daisha." We invite you to play along!!
We are still burried in snow here from Christmas but we have finally gotten out of the single digits and Brian and I are so looking forward to tomorrow's forcast- A high of 30 degrees!! Yay! Ha- never thought I would be excited about that temperature but I have realized that it is all relative. I think Daish will be glad to be able to go to the dog park more often again once we get rid of the snow but she is MADE for this weather! The crazy girl loves the snow and cold!
It is about 5:00pm on Sunday. About this time every Sunday, it sets in that I should cherish the last few hours of my weekend! It was a nice relaxing weekend which means I should be all refreshed for the work week right?? Hmm....
I hope you all have a great week!
Goodbye for now~

Christmas 2009

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Though we wish we could have seen you ALL over the holidays, we cherished every second of this Christmas season! I found out that I LOVE Christmas decorations and wish that I could make a career out of that- if any one knows how this could work please let me know!

Here are a couple of pictures from Christmas morning!

We enjoyed waking up to a white Christmas this year though it proved to be somewhat less desireable for our poor family who had to deal with the terrible roads! Everyone arrived safely and we had a great time!

Daisha loved Christmas and got by far the most gifts of anyone! Here is a before and after of her exhausting day!


I just had to include this one- it is my favorite! She was so tired! She slept the rest of the weekend which is saying a lot for this energy-filled little reindeer!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Vegas Baby!

On somewhat of a spontaneous whim (it was planned about two months before we went but this is as spontaneous as we get) we decided to take a much needed vacation to Las Vegas! Our good friends, Mallory and David, can be thanked for this! We all had a great time! Vegas is a whole new world and we were exhausted by the time we got home for sure.

Despite our assumptions, it was NOT warm! We were severely underdressed and paid the price of our assumptions!

However, seeing the National DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) championship made up for it all! Our brush with fame in Vegas- bumping shoulders with the National DDR Champ!!

Day one- The Hoffmann's are official bloggers!

Though a bit late to jump on this bandwagon, here we are! With the end of a very trying and event-filled 2009, we have decided that we will start 2010 off right! We hope this will become a good way to keep in better communication with all of our friends and family that it seems to become increasingly difficult to stay in touch with. We apologize to you all for not being better at this and hope that this blog will allow you all to forgive us just a little bit! Here are some pictures to sum up the many changes the last year has brought for our family.

On September 6th, 2008 we said our "I do's" and became Mr. and Mrs. Hoffmann.

This is one of the professional photos- Lucinda Mudd was our photographer- she is more than amazing and you should definately check out her website! I would recommend her to anyone!

We were very lucky and able to spend the next week in beautiful Cancun on our honeymoon. It was so hard to come back home to reality but we knew that many more exciting things were awaiting us!

I began my job as an Adoption Specialist as soon as we got home. It has certainly been a challenge but I have learned so much and made some amazing friendships!

We adopted the two most incredible dogs! Tank became a member of our family in November of 2008 and we welcomed Daisha in May of 2009, about a week after moving into our very own home! (more about this to come :))

Unfortunately, Tank passed away this past December. We miss him very much as he was such a special and wonderful part of our lives. He will forever be remembered so very fondly. We thank so many of you for supporting us through this difficult time. We are so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends.

The most trying event of this past year was the devastating news that Brian's mom had been diagnosed with Stage four lung cancer. Again, we have learned just how blessed we are to have such an amazing support system. Lynn received a great report in November that her tumors had shrunk and she was responding positively to the treatment! Yay! All of your prayers are working and we thank you so very much for them!

Whew! This is just the tip of the iceberg!

We have learned life, patience, love, strenth, support, and understanding in all of their truest meanings. We continue to grow together and are trying to make sense of all of the changes that this crazy life has brought to us!