As I sit here avoiding anything that involves leaving the house and being out in the cold or any sort of cleaning, I thought I would make some use of myself. Here are a few pictures of the house. We have a lot to do still but we love our home and are having a lot of fun putting our touches on it.
My decorating skills are still lacking. For some reason, it is very intimidating to me! If you have any tips on overcoming my decorating phobia- I am open!
Brian, however, has no problem what-so-ever with taking the plunge. Go big or go home right? Here is his pride and joy- not quite complete. That's right, there is more! It is beginning to look like a sport's store!
You will notice, in many of the pictures that I post, a bit of a common theme or even a game. It is something that Brian and I like to call "Where's Daisha." We invite you to play along!!
You will notice, in many of the pictures that I post, a bit of a common theme or even a game. It is something that Brian and I like to call "Where's Daisha." We invite you to play along!!
We are still burried in snow here from Christmas but we have finally gotten out of the single digits and Brian and I are so looking forward to tomorrow's forcast- A high of 30 degrees!! Yay! Ha- never thought I would be excited about that temperature but I have realized that it is all relative. I think Daish will be glad to be able to go to the dog park more often again once we get rid of the snow but she is MADE for this weather! The crazy girl loves the snow and cold!
It is about 5:00pm on Sunday. About this time every Sunday, it sets in that I should cherish the last few hours of my weekend! It was a nice relaxing weekend which means I should be all refreshed for the work week right?? Hmm....
I hope you all have a great week!
Goodbye for now~
Kath, the house is beautiful! Your decorating is definitely a cut above mine! I'm not even going to post photos of our house - we are still in the stage of mismatched furniture, ugly carpet, and desperately lacking items such as TV, etc.etc. So, basically, I'm no help to you in terms of decorating. Have fun!